Wonderful!! Woman With Stomach Pain Sh0cks Doctor After C0nd0m Was Found In Her Appendix [photos]

Well this time we want to share Marriage and Wedding tips Wonderful!! Woman With Stomach Pain Sh0cks Doctor After C0nd0m Was Found In Her Appendix [photos]. And meet again with my blogg marriage blogand for friends who want to continue to update this blog please comment Read also about my previous post :
condom found inside woman's stomach

A woman with stomach pain and nausea shocked doctors after a condom was found inside her appendix. 

The 26-year-old came to hospital complaining of pain and tenderness on the right side of her pelvis, leaving her unable to eat and suffering from a fever.

A scan revealed her abdomen was swollen with fluid so the medics, at a hospital in Cameroon, came to the conclusion she had appendicitis. 
They rushed her for emergency surgery to remove the infected organ before it burst – but noticed it felt unusual as they cut it out.
They discovered the organ had a piece of condom stuck inside it – which they believe is the first case of its kind to be reported in the medical literature.
 The woman admitted she had accidentally swallowed it two weeks earlier.

A few Marriage and Wedding Tips that I can share about Wonderful!! Woman With Stomach Pain Sh0cks Doctor After C0nd0m Was Found In Her Appendix [photos]

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